Recent News

Service-Learning Faculty Fellows Program Accepting Applications until 10/23/23
Sep 6, 2023
Center for Service in Action (CSA) and the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology (CTLT) invite faculty to apply individually or in teams to be Service-Learning (SL) Faculty Fellows for the 2023-24 academic year. Service-learning combines learning goals and community service in ways that can enhance both student growth and the common good. The purpose of the program is to support faculty in expanding the number of service-learning courses offered across campus. Stipends are available. The application deadline is 5 p.m. Monday, Oct. 23, 2023. The details of the program can be found here, and the online application can be submitted here. Any questions about the program should be directed to Anurag Pande (, faculty liaison for Service Learning.

Cal Poly Faculty Honored with Community Service Award
Sep 6, 2023
Dr. Kimberli Andridge, Psy.D., was awarded the Significant Contribution, Faculty award as part of the 2023 CP Community Service Awards. Continue reading here.

Service-Learning Faculty Fellows Program Accepting Applications until 10/25/21
Oct 13, 2021
Center for Service in Action (CSA) and the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology (CTLT) invite faculty to apply individually or in teams to be Service-Learning (SL) Faculty Fellows for the 2021-22 academic year. Service-learning combines learning goals and community service in ways that can enhance both student growth and the common good. The purpose of the program is to support faculty in expanding the number of service-learning courses offered across campus. Stipends are available. The application deadline is 5 p.m. Monday, Oct. 25. The details of the program can be found here, and the online application can be submitted here. Any questions about the program should be directed to Anurag Pande (, faculty liaison for Service Learning.

Service-Learning: Faculty Team award
Jun 5, 2018
Dennis Bashaw, Maggie Kirk, Greg Starzyk
Professors Bashaw, Kirk and Starzyk created an interdisciplinary studio experience that focused on assisting and rebuilding the community of Weed, California that was ravaged by fire in September 2014.
The course on Integrate Project Delivery included students from all three disciplines working in teams to develop and execute a recovery for the community. What is remarkable about their work is that these faculty are from three different departments at Cal Poly. It may come as a surprise to some of you but in academia we work in our silos way too often. It takes real work to break down those silos and work together as they have been doing. One of their partners in the community called their interdisciplinary approach to real world projects “the best learning that can occur.” Their leadership, organization, and management skills were critical to the success of the project so far away from San Luis Obispo.

Service-Learning: Kelle Brooks Faculty award
Jun 5, 2018
Architecture faculty Professor Brooks has been working with local underserved K-6 schools in the area. This past year, she supervised Architecture students on the design of an outdoor learning environment for Rice Elementary School in Santa Maria. From her nomination by one of her colleagues, “Professor Brooks is applying her professional skills as an architect as well as her knowledge of educational learning theory to applied design projects.” She provides mentorship, guidance, and valuable learning experience to her students through Interdisciplinary collaborations such as one with Construction Management department on the aforementioned project.

President's Community Service Award Honors Professor
Jun 5, 2018
Matt Ritter, (pictured with President Armstrong) a Cal Poly biological science professor and tree expert, who has served as chairman of San Luis Obispo’s tree committee, was honored with the 2015 President's Community Service Award for efforts to improve the health of the city’s urban forest. Continue reading here.

Cal Poly Faculty Honored with Learn by Doing Scholar Award
Jun 5, 2018
Dr. J. Kevin Taylor and Dr. Steffen Peuker were award the inaugural Learn by Doing Scholar Award at the More than a Motto Conference on May 15, 2015. Continue reading here.

Service-Learning Faculty Showcase
Jun 3, 2015
Brian and Jennifer Bates, (pictured above) presenting their work at the Service Learning Faculty Showcase on May 2, 2018.. With great support from Brad Kyker at the Center for Service in Action and Dianna Winslow at CTLT, we had another successful year of our faculty fellows program that helps support integration of SL into our courses. This year is especially exciting as we are working with faculty teaching first year General Education Courses.